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Amazing the difference a year makes.  Last year at this time I was settling into my fall class schedule and beginning my senior clinicals.  As of today, I am a graduate and hold my Minnesota Registered Nurse license!  Both of my little ones are adjusting to their weekly school routine, and I still can’t believe that my Little Man is in Kindergarten! I am one proud (did I mention graduated!!!) momma.

I am also busy with two additional “full time” jobs.  I am looking for employment as an RN, and taking care of my Babycakes.

I’m blessed to be 13 weeks and 6 days pregnant with our third child!  We are very excited to be adding to our family, but finding that true to my gestational history, extra care must be given to our growing baby.  With each of my pregnancies has come a different and unique complication, but have been blessed to have healthy babies regardless.  Truly, I am very grateful.  The possibilities of what COULD have gone wrong, and the how severe the conditions may have been were far from what actually took place.

With each diagnosis, I become educated.  With each step backwards, I develop deeper compassion for those that share my situation.  With every healthy birth, I praise God.

It would seem I have more learning yet to do, because with my new baby, comes a new diagnosis.  I have a small subchorionic hemorrhage on the bottom edge of Babycakes placenta.  The bad news is that this increases my chances of miscarriage, placenta abruption, preterm birth, and a small for gestational age infant.  The good news is that I have only had one bleeding episode, my chances of no problems is good due to the minimal size of the hemorrhage, and that as of now Babycakes is measuring just ahead of gestational size by dates.  We are both happy and healthy.

That said I am taking things easy and doing my best to make smart choices in my diet and my daily activities.  I spend time in prayer and meditation everyday to reduce my stress and anxiety, and I have a wonderful husband and family to support me through the journey ahead.

Welcome tiny baby, into our hearts.  We hope that you wait and grow with me until mid March when you are expected.  I love you. ~ Your Momma